National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and Civil Societies for malaria elimination
The National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in collaboration with the Civil Society CS4ME met within the framework of the launch of the NMCP - Civil Society CS4ME Task Force to strengthen their collaboration and thus accelerate the fight against malaria in Cameroon....
Cameroon is one of the 11 countries most affected by malaria
Through Quotidien le Messager, Carine Diboue, Programme Officer at Impact Santé Afrique / Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME), reveals her commitment to the fight against malaria, where she also highlights the contribution of civil societies in the CS4ME...
Malaria control overshadowed by COVID-19 pandemic in Africa
It is very important in this period of pandemic COVID, to ensure the continuity of services against malaria, because not only it is the first cause of death in the world but also the mosquitoes will not wait for the departure of Covid19 to act again....
The fight against malaria also suffers from Covid-19
The health crisis in Covid-19 has monopolised world attention, leading to fears that efforts to combat malaria will be slackened. On the occasion of World Malaria Day, France 24, through the intervention of Olivia Ngou, looks at the challenges to be met as this...
Covid-19 led to an increase in malaria-related deaths in 2020
Between 2000 and 2015, African states made great efforts to fight malaria, reducing malaria-related mortality by 50% on the continent. Since then, the number of cases has started to rise again, while the WHO's goal is to eliminate malaria by 2030. Quote from Olivia...
HIV / Malaria / Tuberculosis: The Global Fund to Disburse 163 Billion
Global Fund turned up 20 and Civil Society Organisations celebrated the moment by thanking the global fund for the support they afforded this past 20 years and in the coming future....
Fight against Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV-AIDS – The Global Fund has allocated more than 163 billion FCFA to Cameroon
For more than 20 years, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS have been the causes of many deaths in Africa, as well as in developing countries. Thanks to the Global Fund, more than 163 billion CFA francs have been allocated to Cameroon for the three diseases, with...
Global Fund – Two Decades Revisited in Cameroon
Cameroon Civil Society celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Global Fund. Indeed, the Global Fund's contribution could put malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis out of action in Cameroon.
Global Fund and Us
Cameroon tribune reports on the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Global Fund in Cameroon organised by Impact Santé Afrique (ISA), with the distinguished support of the Civil Society CS4ME of Cameroon.