Communities and Civil Society engagement tools
Conduct a Community Diagnosis for Malaria Interventions – A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organizations
This is a tool designed by civil society for CS4ME members. It is a very important tool that presents in a practical way the steps to follow to conduct a community diagnosis for malaria interventions. It will therefore be of great use to all organisations working in...
Training Module for a Better Prevention of Malaria at the Community level in the context of COVID-19
This training module is intended to help Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working in the health domain. It provides essential information on malaria and COVID-19. It is a practical guide to be used for malaria prevention in...
Increasing Malaria Voices from endemic areas: CS4ME Members selected in key decision making spaces at the Global level!
Discover CS4ME members activities during 2020!
CS4ME Annual Report: What we have been up to during 2020!
Le GFAN Afrique applaudit la contribution des Etats-Unis de 3,5 milliards de dollars au Fonds mondial de lutte contre la COVID-19
World Malaria Day 2021
Voices from communities and civil society: Message from CS4ME members #3