Communities and Civil Society engagement tools
TRAINING WEBINAR – All about the Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) and its impact
CS4ME is supporting the campaign for Fight Against Malaria with Media Planet UK
A new global movement to accelerate the road to malaria elimination Firm in the belief that empowered community and civil society are game-changers in health responses, we (representatives of national, regional and global malaria communities and civil society...
CS4ME Leadership Team
A more complete and committed team for a more effective response to malaria control objectives. Discover the CS4ME Leadership team
The fight against malaria must continue! Read the statement from malaria affected communities and Civil Society.
WEBINAR ABOUT STRATEGIC DESIGN : Training for CSOs to learn how to develop effective communication strategies
WORLD MALARIA DAY 2020 WEBINAR EVENT IN ENGLISH : Avoiding a malaria crisis: collective actions for greater impact
ECHOS SANTE makes Olivia Ngou, Founder & Executive Director of Impact Santé Afrique, one of the 10 women Health leaders in Cameroon
According to the publication “L’Economie”, Olivia Ngou, Founder & Executive Director of Impact Santé Afrique is among the 8 women who took Cameroon internationally in 2019
INFORMATION MANUAL FOR CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS (CSOs) – On their role in the Global Fund mechanisms and other malaria control programmes
Click here to download