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Case Studies


CRG SI – C2 Thematic Case Study CS4ME CRG C19RM Project

CRG SI – C2 Thematic Case Study CS4ME CRG C19RM Project

This is a case study written by the CS4ME Secretariat and submitted to the Global Fund to present the lessons learned from civil society's contribution to the development of the country concept notes COVID-19 (C19RM) 2021 - 2023 response mechanism. Indeed, in May...

Cameroon is one of the 11 countries most affected by malaria

Cameroon is one of the 11 countries most affected by malaria

Through Quotidien le Messager, Carine Diboue, Programme Officer at Impact Santé Afrique / Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME), reveals her commitment to the fight against malaria, where she also highlights the contribution of civil societies in the CS4ME...

Malaria control overshadowed by COVID-19 pandemic in Africa

Malaria control overshadowed by COVID-19 pandemic in Africa

It is very important in this period of pandemic COVID, to ensure the continuity of services against malaria, because not only it is the first cause of death in the world but also the mosquitoes will not wait for the departure of Covid19 to act again....