CS4ME Guide & tool
Training Module for a Better Prevention of Malaria at the Community level in the context of COVID-19
This training module is intended to help Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working in the health domain. It provides essential information on malaria and COVID-19. It is a practical guide to be used for malaria prevention in...
This toolkit will guide faith and community organizations to use their own strengths, community connections, and resources to educate on how to prevent malaria and support proper treatment in local communities. Using the processes of social and behavior change (SBC),...
National Malaria Strategic Plans
Find out about the national strategic plans for malaria control from the following countries:
INFORMATION MANUAL FOR CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS (CSOs) – On their role in the Global Fund mechanisms and other malaria control programmes
Click here to download
MALARIA MATCHBOX TOOL – An equity assessment tool to improve the effectiveness of malaria programs
Click here to download