The Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) and the Global Network of Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) co-organised the “South Asia Malaria Civil Society Mobilisation Workshop” on 11th & 12th October 2018, in New Delhi, India. This workshop established links between South Asia malaria Civil Society (CS) with CS working in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) and improved understanding and application of malaria programming and services through the lens of community, right and gender.
Since then, CS4ME was officially launched on 25th April 2019 on the occasion of World Malaria Day in presence of several partners and stakeholders. CS4ME has since published a call for memberships and is receiving appreciable response. In addition, CS4ME is conducting a series of consultations with CSOs to inform the development of its strategic plan wherein advocacy, resource identification & mobilization, capacity building, partnership & collaboration opportunities embedded as key elements; apart from engaging CSOs in advocacy campaign related to the Sixth Global Fund Replenishment and domestic resource mobilization for health and malaria.

CS4ME and GFAN AP acknowledges the existence of the variable situation of communities and civil society groups in Asia to contribute towards malaria elimination efforts. The strategic advocacy meeting is envisioned as an opportunity for harnessing the individual strengths of various civil society stakeholders in Asia. It is also exploring opportunities and interests within and across constituencies & stakeholders for joint advocacy & coordination and resource & capacity needs.

The Malaria Asia-Pacific Civil Society Strategizing Meeting aims to meet the following objectives:
1. Engage CSOs on a regional advocacy action for domestic resource mobilization and Global Fund Sixth Replenishment;
2. Enable experience sharing between CSs from different countries in the regions (Malaria advocacy best practices, factors contributing to such success and also solutions to challenges);
3. Engage CSOs around UHC, particularly advocacy for malaria within UHC; and
4. Collect feedback on communities/CS needs to inform the CS4ME strategic plan for 2020-2023 and its alignment with international, regional and country goals and objectives.